Provision of Tax and Consultancy Services

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Negotiated procedure

Maximum budget €135.000 over 4 years

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), located at Ethnikis Antistaseos 72 and Agamemnonos St. Chalandri, 15231, Attiki is seeking to award a framework contract for the provision of Tax and Consultancy Services to an external provider to ensure the harmonisation and compliance of its activities with the applicable Greek taxation law.

The objectives and tasks are summarised into three main categories:

a)       Tax and consultancy services (check of ENISA’s invoices compliance with Greek tax legislation, preparation and submission of the monthly list of taxes withheld from freelancers and construction companies to the Tax Authorities, payment of taxes due to Tax Authorities on behalf of ENISA, support and advise ENISA on local tax legislation.

b)      VAT Exemption procedure (submission of eligible invoices to the on line system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs requesting the tax exemption certificate, follow up of the process with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ENISA’s suppliers, preparation and update of the database with the submitted requests for VAT exemption, submission of ENISA’s staff members invoices for VAT exemption and follow up, etc.)

c)       General fiscal law consultancy services (accompany ENISA’s staff members to official meetings with Greek Authorities, provide written opinions on Greek tax matters, VAT exemption procedures, financial legislation related issues on an ad hoc basis, join face to face meetings at ENISA’s premises, provide training to ENISA’s Finance Team when needed, etc.)

Tenderers should be able to meet the following minimum selection criteria:

-  Evidence of enrolment (declaration or certificates) in one of the professional or trade registers, in the country of establishment and possession of valid license A’ class.

-  Certificate in accounting, economics, or other relevant disciplines.

-  Have at least 8 years of experience with implementation of similar duties as described above.

-  Have sound knowledge of Greek tax legislation especially with regard to VAT obligations.

-  Have excellent English language skills corresponding to C1 – C2 as determined in CEF or equivalent.

-  Copy of the financial statements (balance sheets and profit and loss accounts) for the last two (2) financial years with a minimum average turnover of 70.000,00 Euro.

If you are interested in being invited to take part in this upcoming tender procedure, then please click on the Title link above and select 'submit your interest' before the deadline. The registered candidates will then receive the invitation and the tender documents.

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